Friday, May 31, 2019

Franz Kafkas The Metamorphosis :: Metamorphosis essays

The Metamorphosis The Metamorphosis is the story of a commercial traveler, Gregor Samsa,that one morning awoke turned into a gigantic insect. It is no dreambut, but and plainly, a real metamorphosis with no rhetoric inbetween. Facing this incredible fact, Kafka does not do any realisticconcessions and keeps the new condition of the vitrine to the end.That makes of The metamorphosis a hard work of fiction, in the way ofOdyssey (with which, besides, it is closely related) or in the way ofthe Medieval fairy tales, specially those in which the blotto witchturns The Prince Charming into a hideous animal. From the other side, the work, that belongs to a trilogy about marriagein relation to the individual, the family and the so-ciety written byKafka, has a highly autobiographical contain. In The Judgment thesubject is the engagement assumed as a treason to the literary callingin The metamorphosis there is a celestial horizon of marriage and family relationsfrom a masochistic and incest uous perspective in The Trial, it is thesettlement of accounts, related with the incapacity of accomplishing theacquired compro-mises, according to an unwritten law, he must pay. Inthe three cases, the story ends with the protagonists death. The Metamorphosis is built on a fiction level with two faces, Crime andPunishment by Dostoevsky and Venus in Furs by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch,superposed in a way they get in contact with a real level with two facestoo, the family relations and his dreams of Felice. By the merging oftheses two levels, Kafka gets a fantastic reality which allows him toexpress his deepest dreams and desires in relation with marriage and sexin a poetic language that turns The Metamorphosis into a classic oferotism, outlook not considered until now. (Such a pleiad, Kafka, Sacher-Masoch and Dostoesky, met in The Metamorphosis turns into a height ofmasochism this work). PART ONE The Metamorphosis has three parts the first one describes both the fracture of Gregory a nd his familys reaction to this respect thesecond part shows the new cotidianity of the fami-liar group whosefragile estability crush with Gregory and sis-ters bringing face toface and the last part, where we attend Gregorys frustrated attemp ofreconquering his sister, ends with his death. The suck up onto which Kafka builds his work is Dostoevskys novel.This one brings to him a textual base that he lightly, mainly throughsubstitutions, varies for adapting it to the intentions of his ownstory. For the first part of The Meta-morphosis, Kafka takes three

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Wire Pirates :: essays research papers

Wire PiratesSomeday the Internet may become an information superhighway, but right now it ismore the like a 19th-century railroad that passes through the badlands of the OldWest. As waves of new settlers flock to cyberspace in search for freeinformation or commercial opportunity, they give birth easy marks for sharpers whoplay a keyboard as deftly as Billy the Kid ever drew a six-gun.It is difficult even for those who course it every day to appreciate how much theInternet depends on collegial trust and mutual forbearance. The 30,000interconnected computer networks and 2.5 million or more accustomed computers thatmake up the system swap gigabytes of information based on nothing more than adigital handshake with a stranger.Electronic impersonators back tooth commit slander or solicit criminal acts in someoneelses name they can even masquerade as a trusted confrere to convince someoneto reveal sensitive personal or business information."Its like the Wild West", says Donn B. Parker of SRI "No laws, rapid growthand enterprise - its deplume first or be killed."To understand how the Internet, on which so many base their hopes for education,profit and international competitiveness, came to this pass, it can beinstructive to look at the security record of other parts of the internationalcommunications infrastructure.The first, biggest error that designers seem to repeat is adoption of the"security through obscurity" strategy. Time and again, attempts to sustain a systemsafe by keeping its vulnerabilities secret have failed.Consider, for example, the running war between AT&T and the phone phreaks. Whenhostilities began in the 1960s, phreaks could manipulate with relative ease thelong-distance network in order to make unpaid telephone calls by playing certaintones into the receiver. One phreak, flush toilet Draper, was known as "Captain Crunch"for his discovery that a modified cereal-box whistle could make the 2,600-hertztone r equired to unlock a trunk line.The beside generation of security were the telephone credit cards. When the cardswere first introduced, credit card consisted of a sequence of digits (usuallyarea code, number and billing office code) followed by a "check digit" thatdepended on the other digits. Operators could intimately perform the math todetermine whether a particular credit-card number was valid. But also phreakscould easily figure out how to generate the proper check digit for any giventelephone number.So in 1982 AT&T last put in place a more robust method. The corporationassigned each card four check digits (the "PIN", or personal identificationnumber) that could not be easily be computed from the other 10. A nationwide on-line database made the numbers available to operators so that they could

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Boots secures its Wellbeing Essay -- essays research papers

Boots secures its WellbeingThe Wellbeing Web site, launched by Boots and Granada, had to establish systems to identify and screen out online fraudsters without inconveniencing its genuine clients. Susan Amos reports When chemist Boots and vacuous giant Granada launched, a Web site that sells goods ranging from toothbrushes to exercise bikes, they realised that like all major online shopping ventures it faced a significant threat from fraudsters. They cute to make it easy for genuine consumers to buy, while keeping fraudsters at bay those who use computer-generated credit card numbers to buy goods, and do not payment for them. When an order is placed on, its bank, Barclays Merchant Services, checks that the credit card number is genuine, that the card is not stolen and that there are funds available. However, this system provides little resistance against a number being used fraudulently if the card has not been stolen. To add further checks, Wellbeing turned to Texas-based ClearCommerces Enterprise Merchant Engine an structured fraud management system. Kevin Figgitt, third party operations manager at Wellbeing, says Enterprise Merchant Engine is very easy to use. You set up a number of rules. According to what the customer types in, it returns codes and you can decide what action to take for each response code, he says. The software can refer a customer to a contact centre to complete a transaction or block purchases entirely. The eng...

Essay --

Do I regret not doing this years ago? No, I do not. It is certainly true, that since a small child, growing up on my Dads pig farm, have I been fascinated by receive. Yes, piddling new piglets were beautiful, but other things intrigued me. The sow usually delivered her new brood with both serenity and independence. Some of my early memories are of rushing out to the farrowing house crates (yes, the poor animal in those days was in a pen designed purely for birth, not outside in the freedom of the field) to enter how many piglets had arrived and hoping to catch a glimpse of the afterbirth, as we referred to it, sometimes even seeing her deliver it. Gruesome to some but to me it was amazing how this strange tone mass had kept lots of little lives alive. This fascination is still with me today, evident when my family and I went to lambing day at a local farm. But now, following the birth of my children, I brought empathy for the ewe too. Studying on the Access course has already tau ght me a lot about myself. Although an initially a shock to the system after everywhere twenty years away from stu...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Comparing Chinese Culture in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club and Kitchen Go

Chinese Culture Exposed in Joy pot Club and Kitchen Gods Wife Traditional Chinese customs are described in great detail in Amy Tans books. This rich culture adds interesting and hypnotic detail to the intricate stories of both The Joy Luck Club and The Kitchen Gods Wife. Traditions are apparent throughout all of the stories in The Joy Luck Club. One of the firstborn instances is in the story from Ying-Ying St. Clair entitled The Moon Lady. Ying-Ying is describing the Festival of the Moon Lady, a festival dedicated to the lady who lives on the moon and once a form comes down to earth to grant your secret wish--something you want but cannot ask. This excerpt describes proper traditional dress (ornate clothing saved for special occasions), delicious foods such as rabbits feet and mooncakes (saved for special occasions), fireworks, and family gathered all together. This is one of the most richly detailed and culturally authentic stories in the novel. The other story that strike s the reader as containing vivid culture and tradition is Lindo Jongs The Red Candle. This story, like Winnie Louies, describes in great detail the customs of arranged marriages. Lindo Jong begins by talking about the village marriage broker coming to her housewhen she was two years old. The matchmaker, Huang Taitai, looked her over and said, An earth horse for an earth sheep. This is the best marriage combination. Lindo says that Huang Taitai looked right through her and saw that she would be a consummate wife--a strong, hard, good worker, eager to please her elders in their old age. Lindo describes what happened next This is how I became betrothed to Huang Taitais son, who I later discovered was just a baby, o... ...s not considered a sufficient departure for the deceased. Traditional Chinese customs are described in great detail in Amy Tans books. This rich culture adds interesting and charm detail to the intricate stories of both The Joy Luck Club and The Kitchen Gods Wife. Works Cited Conrad, Tammy S. Creating an Asian-American Mythology Storytelling in Amy Tans Fiction. Tammy S. Conrads Thesis. 1998. Available <http// Huntley, E.D. Amy Tan A Critical Companion. Westport, CT, Greenwood Press, 1998 Tan, Amy. The Kitchen Gods Wife. New York, Ballantine Books, 1991. Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. Vintage Contemporaries. New York A Division of Random House, Inc. 1993. Wu, Shelley. What is Chinese Astrology Available http//

Comparing Chinese Culture in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club and Kitchen Go

Chinese Culture Exposed in gladness great deal Club and Kitchen Gods Wife Traditional Chinese customs are described in great detail in Amy Tans books. This rich culture adds interesting and mesmerizing detail to the intricate stories of both The rejoicing Luck Club and The Kitchen Gods Wife. Traditions are apparent throughout totally of the stories in The Joy Luck Club. One of the first instances is in the story from Ying-Ying St. Clair entitled The bootleg Lady. Ying-Ying is describing the Festival of the Moon Lady, a festival dedicated to the lady who lives on the moon and once a year comes down to earth to grant your mystical wish--something you want but cannot ask. This excerpt describes proper traditional dress (ornate clothing saved for special occasions), delicious foods such as rabbits feet and mooncakes (saved for special occasions), fireworks, and family gathered all together. This is one of the most richly detailed and culturally authentic stories in the novel. The other story that strikes the reader as containing vivid culture and tradition is Lindo Jongs The expiration Candle. This story, like Winnie Louies, describes in great detail the customs of arranged marriages. Lindo Jong begins by talking about the village matchmaker coming to her housewhen she was two years old. The matchmaker, Huang Taitai, looked her everywhere and said, An earth horse for an earth sheep. This is the best marriage combination. Lindo says that Huang Taitai looked right through her and saw that she would be a perfect wife--a strong, hard, good worker, eager to please her elders in their old age. Lindo describes what happened next This is how I became betrothed to Huang Taitais son, who I later discovered was just a baby, o... ...s not considered a sufficient departure for the deceased. Traditional Chinese customs are described in great detail in Amy Tans books. This rich culture adds interesting and mesmerizing detail to the intricate stories of both The Jo y Luck Club and The Kitchen Gods Wife. Works Cited Conrad, Tammy S. Creating an Asian-American Mythology Storytelling in Amy Tans Fiction. Tammy S. Conrads Thesis. 1998. Available <http// Huntley, E.D. Amy Tan A Critical Companion. Westport, CT, Greenwood Press, 1998 Tan, Amy. The Kitchen Gods Wife. New York, Ballantine Books, 1991. Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. Vintage Contemporaries. New York A Division of Random House, Inc. 1993. Wu, Shelley. What is Chinese Astrology Available http//

Monday, May 27, 2019

Percy Bysshe Shelley’s “Mont Blanc” Essay

The Prelude is an auto-biographical, expansive poem by William Wordsworth, Mont Blanc by Percy Bysshe Shelley is a much shorter poem, however it correlates closely to a passage from Wordsworths epic where he describes a walking trip he took to Mont Blanc. There are some startling similarities between the two pieces, moreover at the same judgment of conviction in that respect are sharp contrasts in the way that the scene is represented and the poets have conflicting views on what this beautiful landscape means to them. A fundamental theme in romantic poetry is a connection with the natural realism, if we look at the ways that Shelley and Wordsworth represent character in their work whence some interesting contrasts lowlife be seen.The Prelude, subtitled Growth of a Poets Mind, is a fib poem, showing us the events in Wordsworths feel that have shaped his way of thinking and his views on nature and existence. The poem was written in blank verse, this form was reserved for epic s and grand poems. Right onward this unrhymed form, and the iambic pentameter which it follows, lend the poem a grand and sweeping feel, creating a sense of importance and gravitas.This passage is split into three sections a bounteous description of the mountain and the vale below it, a strictly narrative passage where Wordsworth tells of how he and his friend were lost upon the mountain and crossed the Alps without realising, and lastly a lyric interruption or hymn (Romantic Writings p123 ) to Imagination (The Prelude, Book Sixth l525). First the speaker describes the setting, the natural world approximately him and how it cause his emotions, then he returns to the narrative, telling us of the event that has caused him to relay us this tale and finally he conveys to us the moral implications of the event and how it has shaped his poets top dog.In the first section the landscape is described as wondrous (TP l456) the glacier as a motionless display of mighty waves (l459) but th e speaker is grieved (l453) by what he sees, the souless image (l454) of the mountain is not as beautiful or as wondrous as the living thought(l455) in the minds eye. The resource used to personify the mountain and its natural beauty is epic and grand. Winter is like a tamed lion (l466), ferocious,dangerous, but sedate and controlled, creeping down the mountain with a stately pace.The pace of the poem quickens as the stretch of narrative beginsDesc expiration by the beaten road that ledRight to a rivulets edge, and there stone-broke off. (l503-4)The shorter words, repetition of plosive and hard sounds, internal partial rhymes (led edge) and the lack of imagery increase the tempo of this section. The tripping and jumpy sound of the lines, contrasts quite sharply with the earlier flowing sentences and sweeping descriptive passages.The metre helps to raise the feeling of ascending the mountain, it also lends the setting a sense of desolation and self-love there are rocks and stre ams and tracks but little else. This creates a sharp comparison with the beauty of the valley below. Finally this change in style also helps to create a build-up of anticipation before the anti-climax of realising that they have crossd the Alps (l524) unknowingly. As they are told that all their remaining course was downwards, with the current of the stream (l519) the teenaged mens spirits flow downwards with it, as nature mirrors the emotions of the individuals viewing it.Imagination(l525) I recognise thy glory (l532). Underwhelmed by what the real world has to offer, the narrator female genitals look back and see that imagination butt end usurp such disappointments. The lightless world, doth Greatness make abode (l536), imagination can keep an individual in hope that can never die (l540), and these lines seem to be saying that this transcends nature, that the serviceman mind can imagine nature in all its perfection which can overcome the disappointments of the real world, an d Greatness capitalised a yearn with thy glory and the hymn-like nature of this passage suggest imagination gifted by a higher power. This point is where Shelley and Wordsworths treatments of Mont Blanc differ greatly.Mont Blanc by Shelley is also written in Iambic Pentameter, lending it the same grand and solemn oxygenate as The Prelude. There is some rhyme throughout the poem although it is irregular, this helps to draw attention to certain lines, and phrases. Lines 25 28 form a riming couplet. forward to this, the poem has spoken of an old and solemn harmony (Mont Blanc l24), thiscouplet is that harmony. The rhyme and prosaic language lends this passage a lilting quality, emphasising the beauty and loftiness of the nature it describes, earthly rainbows (l25) and aethereal waterfall (l26). When the rhyme breaks on the next line a pause is created, changing the atmosphere.Wraps all in its own deep infinity (l29). Shelley has created a dichotomy to describe nature, the savage, awful power against the serene, calm and solitude. Shelley said that the poem rests its claim to approbation on an attempt to imitate the untamable wildness and unassailable solemnity (Oxford valet de chambres Classics edition (2003), the Preface to History of a Six Weeks Tour by Mary and P. B. Shelley). The speaker finds the landscape beautiful, like Wordsworth, but also sees a much darker savagery in the mountain. Regal metaphors are littered throughout the poem the spring of the river is a secret throne (l17), the mountains around Mont Blanc are its subjects (l62) and the river is majestic (l123). The imagery used here emphasises the power of the mountain and its splendour.In the third stanza where the speaker ponders on the creation of the mountain an unusual rhyming scheme is used. From lines 72 to 83 the scheme is ABCCADBDEFFE. While there is no distinct pattern the rhymes seem to gradually slot together, creating a feeling of increase momentum, this places great emphasis on the final quatrain which directly addresses the mountain itself Thou hast a voice, great Mountain(l80). This random and unordered rhyme mirrors the unpredictability of the natural forces it describes, emphasising Shelleys point that the wilderness (l76) has no pre determined pattern or plan, asking the reader, like the mountain, to refute the large codes of fraud (l81) that credit a greater use with its creation.The beginning of the fourth stanza from lines 84 to 95 are concerned not with Mont Blanc itself but the cyclic nature of life and death. This whole section is one long sentence, filled with lists the fields, the lakes, the forests and the streams (l84), uses of the words and that, and an ever change magnitude intensity caused by the language. We move from forests to rain then fiery flood and hurricane (l87). Strings of alliteration keep increasing the pace of this passage future leaf and flower (l90), thatdetested trance (l91), works and ways (l92) as finally it builds to a crescendo Are innate(p) and die (l95). Now the punctuation forces a pause and the following hard sounds and spondees of revolve, subside put huge emphasis on this line as an ending point. Like the cycles of life and nature that this passage describes the momentum keeps building with great fury and passion until eventually it stops and subsides.Similar imagery can be found to relate the two poems, both, for example, mention eagles in a setting of isolation, A desert peopled by the storms alone, save when the eagle (MBl67-8), The eagle soareth in the element (TPl463), this shows that both poets have taken things from the natural world to create a certain atmosphere. Shelley and Wordsworth have used a variety of metaphoric imagery to relay the aesthetic wonder of the mountain, interestingly both have used other images from nature to define it, Winter like a tamed lion (TPl466), brood of pines around thee clinging, children of elder time (MBl20-1), glaciers creep like snakes that wat ch their prey (MBl100-1). While both seem to keep the scene completely natural, there is a much darker edge to the descriptions in Mont Blanc.The writing in The Prelude, while in the same form as Mont Blanc is more stately and controlled Shelley has tried to plunge his verse with more passion, to reflect his feelings on the wildness of the natural world. The tempo in Mont Blanc seems to ebb and flow with the subjects that are touched upon, whereas in The Prelude, except for the narrative passage of the mountain climb, the progress is constant and measured.Nature is clearly awe-inspiring to the narrators in both poems but the way they feel about natures relationship with human thought seems to be intrinsically different. Two sections that stand out when comparing the poems are the ones which describe the infinite scope of the mountain when compared to the human mind.Some say that gleams of a remoter world visit the soul in sleep (MBl48-9)when the light of sense goes out in flashes t hat have shewn to us the invisible world (TPl535-6)Shelley believes that a remoter world is therealm of imagination, that only those who are wise, and great (MBl82) can reach while in a state of trance rattling(a) (MBl34). That nature has the power to help you understand the perceiving mind, you realise that the process of thought, like the water cycle of the mountain, or the circle of life, though invisible, is very real, and that this understanding can help us realise that any other power dwells apart, inaccessible (MBl96-7).Wordsworth gleans quite a different feeling from his experiences in the mountain. Imagination can transcend nature the natural world can never match the infinitude (TPl539) of the human mind.BibliographyAsbee, Sue (2001) Approaching Poetry, The Open UniversityMont Blanc, P B Shelley (referred to as MB)The Prelude, W Wordsworth (referred to as TP)Bygrave, S (1996) Romantic Writings, RoutledgeOwens , W, R and Johnson, H (1998) Romantic Writings An Anthology, Th e Open UniversityShelley, P, B and Mary (1817) History of a Six Weeks Tour, Oxford Worlds Classics 2003 edition

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Dante and Machiavelli

Dante and Machiavelli define opposite sides of the Renaissance in several ways. Certainly the power believes that paragon will reveal each and c whole pack to account for their behavior, while the latter gives every sign of believing in no God and supposing that scrupulous behavior only makes one a target for ruthless exploitation. This difference in the two could be expressed in terms of unearthly faithbut they could also be said to have differing views of human nature.Try to get to the heart of the distinction. Why is Machiavellis sense of right and ill-treat so opposed to Dantes? Written two hundred years apart, The Inferno by Dante and The Prince by Machiavelli both contain examples of society during the late midpoint ages and also the beginning of the Renaissance. While not contemporaries, both custody held similar cynical views towards human nature, but opposing views on social structure.Dante believed that those with power were all destined to become corrupt while Mac hiavelli wrote that authority is necessary in order to maintain structure within the population. The Inferno, written as the first of leash movements of The Divine Comedy, circulates of one mans journey into Hell with the help of Roman poet Virgil. As the two men journey through the nine circles of hell, Dante, or the Pilgrim, sees the souls of men and women and either feels pity or hatred, but most of all feels a sense of vengeance.In Dantes hell, the punishment fits the crime. The lustful ar oblige to walk naked beside those of the opposite sex, the slothful are forced to reside at the bottom of the river Styx, and the soothsayers are forced to perpetually look back by having their necks twisted around. The Inferno is essentially a social commentary, exposing societys true evils. In the eighth circle, simple fraud, were the simonists those priests, popes, and bishops who, instead of revealing the glory of God, employ their power to gain monetary wealth and fame.Their punishme nt is being buried head first, the soles of their feet on fire. The Pilgrim sees Pope Nicholas III who asks him if he is Boniface, Is that you here already salutary? By including these popes in hell, Dante made clear his views on the leadership of the church and believed that the church had no control or right to control secular and cultured matters. Dante also shows which sins he sees as the worst of sins, putting betrayers in the lowest circle of hell. Dante mploys some common sense while discussing hell, putting obvious sinners in the lower circles and prone to harsher punishments, but he also puts the not-so obvious sinners in hell.Even though one may think he is doing the right thing, all motives are evaluated upon judgment and even a trace of selfishness or greed may threaten ones chance in heaven. This is why Dantes hell is rife with politicians and leaders. Although they may have the communitys best interests at heart, politicians become obsessed with fame and glory, ofte n forgetting that they are representatives of the people.In The Prince, Machiavelli explains what a upright and successful prince should be like. He advocates a strong, cutthroat authority figure and encourages the winning of power by any means necessary. The main theme in The Prince is that mob rule is dangerous, for people know only what is good for themselves and not what is good for the whole. The common people, in Machiavellis view, are ungrateful, fickle, liars, and deceivers, they shun danger and are greedy for profit while you treat them well, they are yours.He believes that these commoners should be ruled absolutely, yet compassionately, in order to suppress any challenge to legal opinion power. The only founded political dissent should come from the nobles and even then, all should be done so as not to fester thoughts of vicissitude. While it seems as though Machiavelli was a power-hungry despot, The Prince was merely a reaction to what he saw as a necessary evil. Machi avelli was actually a strong supporter of the republic in which the people, the very people he describes as being uneducated and self-centered in his book, ruled over themselves.In The Prince, he does give the common people credit, saying that, if a prince upsets them, they can take severe and dangerous action. The best fortress that exists is to avoid being hated by the people (XX, 70). Machiavelli understood that no matter how much power a prince may have, he is always at the risk of losing it whether it be at the custody of the people or the hands of another prince. Also, because he was first a supporter of republic, he understood the need for certain checks to be put in place to safeguard against revolution and lack of popular support.Machiavelli argues that, unless a princes subjects hate him, they will love him and follow him through any trouble that may beset the principality. In general, Machiavelli believes that a leader should be a true leader and rally the people behind his cause, even if that means killing off dissenters for the good of the whole. Although, upon first reading, The Prince seems to tell the tale of dictatorship and totalitarianism, it is much closer to modern democracy than some would like to believe and still is applicable to modern governments.Representing two different ages and two (supposedly) different world views, The Inferno and The Prince are quite similar in that both see humanity as somewhat of an evil and ungrateful status. They differ, however, by their view of what should be done about the human condition. Dante believed that what is done in this life will be punished accordingly in the next life, and thither is little to be done, for even the unbelievers are subject to Gods will by being trapped in limbo.Machiavelli, on the other hand, didnt believe in the afterlife and so thought that life should be lived here on earth and sin will be forgiven at death. This way, men can be free to strive for and obtain that which mak es them happy, for the pious are buried just like the unbelievers. Ironically, The Prince is more optimistic than The Inferno, for Machiavelli stresses that, despite actions done on earth, all will be forgotten, for sin dies with the body.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Six Steps to Learning How to Overcome Challenges in Your Life

There are six steps to learning how to over experience argufys in your life. Each of these steps identifying the challenge or bother, defining the challenge or chore, analyzing the cause of the challenge or line, exploring solutions to the challenge or problem, deciding to solve the challenge or problem, and taking action to overcome the challenge or problem will require your total involvement (Pokras, 1989). While no one is an expert on your particular challenge, there are strategies that discharge be use as tools to help you overcome these challenges. The first tool involves identifying the challenge.Successfully overcoming challenges require knowing exactly what the challenge involves. Many times when we first encounter a challenge we feel threatened and react defensively before knowing what we are up against. When we step back from the problem or challenge and start out time to examine it we find the problem has other contributing factors that were non clearly in focus in the outset. During this phase take time to require data about your problem or challenge such as when it began, what were the symptoms that a problem existed, and how long has this been going on (Pokras, 1989).Upon identifying the factors or underlying causes of the problem you can then move onto step two defining the challenge. In this step it is a good idea to write cut back the possible causes for the challenge that you are now facing. This will require analyzing the data you have collected, thinking about what this data means, deciding what it is you want and what you do not want, and narrowing down the challenge or problem to single points of causation (Pokras, 1989). Once you have narrowed the scope of the challenge or problem down to a manageable level you are now ready for step three-analyzing the cause of the problem.Really what takes place in step three is taking the time to analyze actions that were taken that resulted in there being a challenge or problem that you are now facing. This is can be accomplished by doing some pillow slip of cause and effect diagram that will give you the ability to visually comprehend what happened. Usually when we can clearly see where we went wrong we have that aha moment. forthwith that you have identified, defined, and analyzed the challenge or problem, what do you do now?Here is where the real work fathers because many people can tell you what their problem is but they have a hard time doing something to diversify their situation. Step four requires you to make a decision to do something by exploring possible solutions to the challenge. Niven (2005) call forth developing a strategy or architectural plan that allows you to decide what you sine qua non to change to overcome the challenge or the problem. This step is an important step because it takes a desire to succeed to overcome the challenge or problem and no one can instill in you the desire to change.This desire must come from within but will not happ en until you make up in your mind what you want out of life, how you want your life to be, what you need to survive, and what it is you need to change to overcome your challenge or problem. Making the decision that you must change and that you have the power to make that change is difficult but can be the most rewarding thing you can do. In step five you will discover that after the decision is made that you want to change you can now actually decide to solve your problem.This step will require deciding on your criteria for success, deciding what your goals will be, establishing priorities, defining objectives, and taking duty for improving your own life (Cohen, Jacobs, Quintessenza, Chai, and Ungerleider, 2007). The most important tool in this step is writing an action plan including the aforementioned elements along with your vision for your life, your bang in life, and your personal philosophy or strategy for living your life (Niven, 2005). This plan must be written in a manner that allows you to stair your progress toward overcoming your challenge or problem.Part of your plan, for example, may involve getting a mentor, a person to serve as a role model, or setting up a support system (Cohen et al, 2007) by a certain date to fully implement your plan. Once you have established your plan you are ready to move onto the final step. The last step to overcoming challenges involves taking action . Implementation of your action plan will be the most tiny part of you being successful in overcoming your challenge. This will require your total commitment, dedication, involvement and perseverance to achieve success. You ust remember that the best laid plans will not solve your problems if you do not do something to put them into motion, prepare yourself to deal with the unexpected, and be ready to make the little changes necessary to your plan to reach your goals. If you accommodate out the six steps of identifying the challenge or problem, defining the problem, a nalyzing the cause of the problem, exploring solutions to the problem, deciding to solve the problem, and taking action to overcome the problem (Pokras, 1989) you will begin to make progress to overcoming your challenges.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Modern Trading Culture Essay

With increasing competition everyday in the consumer market, the world has shifted towards in advance(p) avocation concepts. The modern trading concept has twain major objectives to provide the basic necessities under one roof. Secondly, the customer should be able to touch the products in person. Metro and Macro ar the examples of modern trading stores. The procedures and implementation of modern get by in other countries is un same(p) as comp ard withPakistanbecause of the local trading culture.Modernization of Trading SystemsAccording to a look into, sell markets tend to modernize from largely traditional trading techniques to modern trading techniques. As markets modernize, the share of traditional trade as a percentage of total trade declines s abjectly suppliers, however, will continually need to adjust the amount of resources allocated to manage the traditional trade versus the modern trade. Smart suppliers manage this equilibrise act by accurately tracking (and often predicting) the pace at which key transitions or market evolution shifts are likely to occur. Three overarching factors shine the speed and nature of market transition. They include (1) consumer trends and purchasing behaviors in the market (2) factors related to modern retail consolidation (Also called central buying, an approach in twine stores whereby all purchasing is done through a central or main office) and (3) disruptive factors such as the economy, special interests, and government regulation etceteraInPakistan in that respect are a number of producers for various products. The normal distribution channel is that the manufacturers use their own distributors as well as independent distributors in the market, who leverage products from the factory and then deliver to the retail merchants and the wholesalers. On the other hand, almost retailers get products directly from the distributors while some are purchasing from the wholesalers. Big cities have thousands of outle ts in the market for marketplace items. If we only take the example of twin cities ofPakistan, there are around 3,000 grocery outlets including the small shops inIslamabadand inRawalpindithere are around 15,000 outlets.It is impossible for the manufacturer to reach each and every outlet so they need distributors to make the products available to the outlets. Even the distributors at times cannot reach all of the outlets, so there are wholesalers in the markets who buy the products in bulk from distributors or manufacturers. They are located in certain locations where the retailers buy the products from the wholesalers.At the end of the day, it all depends on the relationships of the retailer if he has good relationship with the distributors and can buy the products on credit from him and even return the unsold products, or he could buy the alike(p) products from a wholesaler like an end consumer. We can say that the markets in Pakistan are divided into 2 categories with respect to retailers first are those who are acquiring the products from distributors and second are those who are buying the products from wholesalers. Distributors supply the product at the retailers shop but retailer has to go to wholesaler to purchase a product.These consumer trends, retail consolidations, and disruptive factors heavily influence retailers suppuration strategies as well as the formats they are most likely to develop to sustain growth over the long term. As markets evolve, retailers adjust their formats and operational strategies to cater to differing shopper needs and trends-and thereby maximize retailers reach in an evolving market.Advantages and DisadvantagesThere are numerous advantages of modern trading system. There are 3 types of consumers who come to modern trading stores like Metro or Macro 1) end users, 2) traders and 3) hoteliers. The system of modern trade influences the distributor business because retailers are this instant going directly to these stores a nd are purchasing products themselves at lesser prices. Modern trade is reducing the number of distribution channels from the factory to the retail shop. This subtraction of distribution channel increases the profit margins of both the manufacturer and the retailer.It is a convenient alternative for the end users to purchase put up hold items from one place at a lesser cost.The disadvantages of modern trade is that it is adversely affecting the business of independent distributors since the manufacturer is giving different prices to the distributors and the modern trading stores .Margins of distributors have reduced and they are also loosing some of their clientele as some retailers prefer to buy products directly from these modern stores rather than distributors. Another disadvantage of modern trade inPakistanis that it has confused the end user by offering 3 different prices for the same product in the market. Those 3 pricing areas are retail shops, wholesalers and the big store s. This usually creates doubts about the quality of the products because of the price variations.Reluctance in Modern TradingSome of the manufacturers are now willing to enter into modern trading system but it also varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. If a company has a strong spot of their products in retail outlets of a city, they would also be willing to sell their products in a big store. But on the other hand, if a company has weak positioning in the retail outlets, they would hesitate to sell their products in the modern trading stores. The distributors get fix percentage of profit from the manufacturer to sell their products to the retailers or wholesalers.Indian MarketIf we take the example of India, where consumer trends are very much similar to ours and have been the bigest influencer in forcing modern trade to develop. A significant demographic transition is now underway with a large, young, workings population (median age of 24) more nuclear families in urban are as an increase in the number of working women and emerging opportunities in the service sector. Urbanization, higher household disposable income, and convenience one-stop shopping are other factors that are fueling this modern trade growth. retail consolidation will slowly help drive modern trade growth as well. It is estimated that the Indian retail industry was worth about USD286 million at the end of 2004 yet India remains one of the most fragmented retail sectors in the world with only 2% of total sales deriving from the modern trade.As that happens, India is likely to see a significant trend toward modern trade as retailers invest in data, technology, and infrastructure to exploit and come out potential growth. Disruptive factors dieicularly government regulation are unquestionably the key reason foreign players have not played an influential part in triggering retail consolidation in India. However, there is no one path to modernization markets are not dependent on planeta ry retailers as catalysts for modernization. However there are many markets where global retailers act as key catalysts, and, in fact, capture the lions share of the modern trade. To understandIndias potential future, it is useful to look at examples of three market types, and why theyve modernized the way they did Markets that have grown the modern trade through global players entering the market Markets that have grown through a hybrid of global and local players and Markets that have modernized driven almost entirely by local retailers.Government PoliciesThe government policies play a major role in implementing modern trading system in a region. InIndia, there are some areas where the government has not allowed modern trade stores to operate. Similarly, inPakistanif the existing traders are reluctant of the entrance of modern trade stores like Metro the government has the dictum to impose restrictions on such stores. Nevertheless, these kinds of stores are beneficial for the Gov ernment as they give fixed General Sales Tax (GST) and also are a foreign investment in the country.The Core Capabilities Required for GrowthA core takeaway from studying market evolution is that, regardless of whether the retailer unprompted the modern trade is global or local, the capabilities they need to do that are largely the same In addition to the overall management, a great modernizing retailer will require capabilities in six core areas to win in the changing environment.FinanceA retailer is best served having an operating model with two key financial criteria Generates enough cash flow to fund its expansion and Remains relatively low debt.Retail is a cyclical and relatively low margin business. High levels of debt and interest greatly impede a retailer in growth mode and can make running the operation difficult. to the highest degree great retailers remain relatively conservatively financed.OperationsThe retailer is able to manage the complexity of getting merchandise f rom factory to shelf. Indian conglomerate assurance Industries Ltd. is aiming to get to this state through integration of an entire supply chain from farm to store, particularly with staple food commodities. Many great local retailers (e.g., HEB and Publix, twoUSregional grocery chains, and 7-11 inJapan) optimize their market position through a best-in-class supply chain, which gives them a significant competitive advantage in speed and store conditions. carryBrand is all about a relevant and influential connection to the shopper. It is imperative for retailers to have a systematic understanding of their shoppers and be able to execute, both in and out of the store, based on that knowledge. In addition, the ability to tailor a portfolio of formats to meet different shopper/consumer needs is very helpful-especially in geographically, culturally, and economically diverse markets like India. Pantaloon is one of the Indian retailers that has begun to develop the data and analysis capab ilities to do just that. As Indias infrastructure develops to support modern trade, the retailer will be able to do that more consistently.As the market evolves, both retailers and manufacturers will require the capabilities to consistently understand what motivates shoppers and consumers, in order to bring together a successful retailer strategy that serves both constituents well. The intermingling of finance and brand is pricing the right field price doesnt necessarily mean the lowest, especially in some categories such as apparel, where a low price may be perceived as poor quality. Also, a rigorous understanding of which items are cardinal to be low priced for competitive purposes versus which items can be margin enhancers, is one of the key criteria strong retailers use to grow in a market.When discussing people, the discussion is partial without the right measurements in place. As people are trained to execute at the store, retailers will have to have the right set of measur es to ensure great delivery to the shopper. In addition, the focus of high capability in-market retailers corporate measures are usually geared toward selling to the consumer than on buying efficiencies and leveraging scale however, our research shows that retailers who understand this and work proactively with suppliers to optimize their mutual business tend to grow faster than the market.In-store execution should come together as a result of the right brand message and effective operations that facilitate having the right merchandise in the right place. Often the simplicity of the message and the operation generally results in superior in-store execution, and this largely depends on people development and training. Relentless focus on execution details is the final differentiating factor for success.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

American Popular Culture

What is burst outular American culture? Popular culture is a modal value of life. Its a lifestyle of a group of people. The elements of everyday life consist of popular culture. These atomic number 18 the artifacts, institutions, and sorts of a general knowledge of a hostelry, the common knowledge and practices of a specific group at a specific era. Popular culture reflects and influences peoples way of life because it is related to a precise time and place. It is temporary, and new phases take over from former favorites like singers, musicians, artists, media authors.But popular culture is all over the world nowadays. It is almost everything that surrounds us in our society now. It slowly builds up and becomes habits on what we do as we see. Some patterns in my pop culture inventory include photography, films, magazines and cell phones. I simply experience photography with the fact that I have many photographer friends. Their photos inspire me in many different ways, such as t he outlook to life in an image, the insight of a person through a glimpse of a shadow and such. Films complete me in todays pop culture.It makes me pass to a greater extent about life then pop culture itself. Magazines show me the kind of entertainment and celebrities we are surrounded by. It also shows how popularity comes first in todays society, for almost about everyone. And cell phones are something non many people can survive without in todays world. Its the fastest point of reference of communication. The values in which are being communicated by the items listed in my inventory are relevant to society. Photography can change a persons view on life.Its actions that take place, through different angles, shows you a different look on life, by just looking at one photograph. You do need to let yourself away from the world and get in touch with the picture itself, that is how I see it. Films, movies, shows is the one category that I do review up in todays pop culture. Not nec essarily all genres of films. I love action, drama, romance and just perfectly made fairytales. I have always believed that movies have an enormous influence in our society and life.The meaning and main plots of each and every movie mean something, weather it may be stupid or a life lesson, there are so many different minded people in the world today that each and every meaning counts. Films are very convenient in todays society I believe. Magazines, though, may not be full true about the popular celebrities today, but it definitely shows a lot with its images. The writings may be false, but it certainly shows us the image and lets us decide on our own. Its a big pleasure to see and decide for yourself.Cell phones are todays highest communication factor. There are new kinds of cell phones out every other month. The technology is on 24/7 producing newer brands of cell phones and upgrading the old ones. There are people that continue off their cell phone, that they cannot take a ste p out of the house without their cell phone. Its a responsibility for them. American pop culture does not leave much of an impact on my personal decision making. Because of the fact that I dont listen to pop culture when it comes to my personal decisions.I have my own values about everything in my life. I dont let the pop culture decide for me because I believe pop culture is all surrounded by materialism and popularity. I come to believe and realize that todays pop culture can be the result of most of todays bad behavior in many aspects of peoples lives. My values come within my culture and from the way that I have been raised. Pop culture has neer had an impact on my own personal decision making because I have been very cognisant of the influence of the pop culture for many years.While popular American culture is our daily cost, we as individuals always have a choice in how much we choose to participate. Most of the time as I make decisions, I do take into consideration of what is going on today, but never let it lead me to an influence to follow in its steps. The patterns in my pop culture inventory teach me something in my life. It influences me to the right roads. It also makes me see realize what I am being surrounded by today. As for my personal decision making, I do what I want to do, when I want to do and who I want to do it with, but never what the media presents.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Religion Makes Women Subservient to Men

Annelore Wolfelt World Religions Mr. Rocco Final Essay Religion Makes Women Subservient to Men The differences among eastern and horse opera religions be m any and varied silent there atomic number 18 some fundamental similarities within all religions. One of the common threads that run by dint of almost every religion is that women are made to be subservient to men. The need to control and leave out women is found in both eastern and western sandwich religions. Confucianism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam all discriminate against women (to varying degrees), by placing women beneath men.Each religion states the need for male dominance over women as a divine order that must and lead be obeyed. Women are not featured much in the Bhagavad Gita except as a reference to something else. Therefore based off of schoolroom blessed text al unity it is hard to tell what womens status is in Hinduism. Although one may look at the lack of women in sacred scripture as an obvious sign that women mustnt be very important if they arent eventide worth mentioning. However in the Laws of Manu, another Hindu scripture, women are briefly referred to.It states that it is womens nature to seduce men in this (world) for that reason the wise are never unguarded in (the company of) females (2213). For women are able to lead astray in (this) world not only a fool, but even a learned man, and (to make) him a slave of believe and anger (2214). Fear of being seduced by a woman and becoming powerless to her is a contributing factor to the need men have to dominate women. This fear that men have of womens sensuality is a common thread throughout other religions and cultures. Mens need to control women energy stem from the fear that they themselves can be easily controlled by women.In Confucianism we find the idea of equality between men, but that equality is based on a social hierarchy organized by the Five Constant Relationships 1) sovereign to subjects, 2) father to son, 3) husband to wife, 4) older brother to younger brother and 5) booster rocket to friend (Smith 175). This hierarchy establishes relations of dependency between men, including the duty to offer respect and obedience from those in a lesser position to those in a higher(prenominal) position, as well as the duty to show benevolence from those who hold a position of power over those who dont.The relation between the husband and wife shows the position of the woman as one dominated by the husband within the marriage. In all of the other relationships age and social standing is what decides who will hold the position of power within the relationship. But in the relationship between males and females, age and social standing dont play the decision making factor of power in the relationship, gender does. By merely being a woman she is automatically given the role of obedience instead of one of power.But in all fairness Confucianism does not show the systematic discrimination against women th at is found in western religions. In Christianity women are blatantly made to be the weaker sex. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. (Colossians 318). Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I set about not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing. (1 Timothy 211-15) Christians put the full blame of the Fall of Man on Eve, (and therefore all women). Because of this women are seen as easily corruptible and in need of the rule of man. Merely being born a female is seen as some sort of penalty if a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child then she shall be unclean seven old age according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean. (Leviticus 122) But if she bears a maid child, then she shall be unclean two weeks, as in her separation and shall continue in the blood of her purifying threescore and six days. (Leviticus 125) Since its beginning Christianity has sought to dominate and discriminate women, and it continues to this day with women fighting for their fruitful rights against the Catholic Church. The West has (hypocritically) accused Islam of degrading women, chiefly because Islam permits plurality of wives. But the reality is that Islam gave more rights to women by making a stronger emphasis on the sanctitude of marriage, giving girls rights to inheritance and outlawing female infanticide. But that is as far as Islam got to giving females any sort of equality.Islam states that there is no equality between men and women The wives have rights corresponding to those which the husbands have, according to what is recognized to be fair, but men have a rank above them. (Quran 2228) Women are still expected to be obedient to men and to serve them out of fear of punishmen t. So virtuous women are obedient and guard in the husbands absence what God would have them guard. As for those whom you apprehend infidelity, admonish them, then refuse to share their beds, and finally hit them. (Quran 434) Women are not even considered human beings but a mans property Your wives are your fields.Go, then, into your fields as you will. (Quran 2223) The mere fact that women must cover themselves when they are in the presences of males so as to not tempt men (Quran 2431) puts all of the responsibility on the woman instead of the man. I find it wry that it is the womans fault for being desirable and not the mans fault for having no self-control. As Simone de Beauvoir said in her book The succor Sex, Man enjoys the great advantage of having a god endorse the code he writes and since man exercises a sovereign authority over women it is especially favorable that this authority has been vested in him by the Supreme Being.For the Jews, Mohammedans and Christians among others, man is master by divine right the fear of God will therefore repress any impulse towards revolt in the downtrodden female. When I am asked if I belong to any religion I say, No. As a female I dont want to belong to an institution that routinely discriminates, dominates, and exploits women the way these four religions do. Works Cited The Bhagavad Gita. Ed. Betty Radice. Trans. Juan Mascaro. London Penguin Books, 1962. Print. The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior rescuer Christ.A Revision of the Challoner-Rheims Version. Edited by Catholic Scholars Under the Patronage of The Episcopal Committee of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. New Jersey St. Anthony Guild Press Paterson, 1941. Print. Laws of Manu. Trans. George Buhler. Sacred Texts Archive, 2011. Web. 1 June 2012. http//www. sacred-texts. com/hin/manu. htm Quran. Ed. Farida Khanam. Trans. Maulana Wahiduddin Khan. New Delhi Goodword Books, 2009. Print Smith, H. The Worlds Religions. New York Harper One, 1991. Print.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Coral Reef and Australia

The great outback Hey mate Ever wanted to take an adventurous trip somewhere, but youre not sure where? wellhead Australia would be the perfect place to start Three indicates why Australia should be the first place you visit are for starters, the amazing scenery and beauty of the boorish, secondly the exquisite variety of food, and lastly, the unique tillage. Australia has one of the most breath taking sceneries in the world, altogether the way from the groovy Barrier Reef to the city of Melbourne.The Great Barrier Reef is known for being the largest coral reef in the world it is so incredibly vast that it muckle even be seen all the way from outer space. It is similarly unbelievably beautiful. Other beautiful places to visit in Australia are the Sydney harbor, which was the first settlement in Australia and you can also run into the iconic Sydney opera house there, the beautiful island of Tasmania which is the most mountainous region of Australia and is dotted with beautif ul flowing rivers and waterfalls, and also an otherwise iconic symbol of Australia the Uluru wave, this rock is famed for its amazing color changes as the sun sets and rises.Australia has so many beautiful sights to visit, which is one fantastic reason to visit Australia. Australian cuisine can vary from your common everyday food that we have here in America, to all kinds of interesting and exotic foods native to Australia. The term bush tucker is utilize to describe a certain type of cuisine in Australia, that is made up of the native foods in Australia, such as kangaroo, emu, or even crocodile. A lot of foods in Australia contain seafood, as Australia is the third largest fishing zone in the world.Some iconic foods of Australia are, for one, the Chiko roll, a deep-fried savory roll that is also identical to a spring roll. Other iconic foods are vegemite, macadamia nuts, violet crumble, cherry ripe Jaffas, and many other different foods. The food in Australia is a good deal des cribed as exotic and delicious. This stimulating food variety is just another great reason why Australia should be at the top on your list of places to visit. The culture in Australia is very interesting and fun, especially if youre into surfing and water sports, which are very big in Australia, along with other sports such as rugby, cricket, and soccer.Australia is also big into country music, which may come as a surprise to some people, but some great country singers have come from Australia such as Keith Urban. The common apparel in Australia is called surf wear or bush wear, and is very popular among many of the Australian people. As far as religion goes, Australia has no official one, but according to the Australian census, most people are either Christian or irreligious. Most of the Christian are either Roman Catholic, Anglican, or apart of the uniting church.As you now know, Australia has a very interesting and diverse culture, which is the last reason why you should make vis iting Australia a priority. In conclusion, Australia is stunningly gorgeous and has many captivating sights and historical scenery to visit while youre there. It also has a very unique and beloved cuisine that is unlike any other in the world and accordingly very great tasting. Lastly, the variety of culture is just amazing and so fascinating. These are the three main reasons why your next vacation should be a trip to the great outback discern you ther

Monday, May 20, 2019

Anglican Church and the Monarchy

Religion was an current commence of issues in history, and the church building building of England was no exception. Issues with the monarchy ruling the church in Britain was the reason for many another(prenominal) debates, wars, cultured issues and rights to the throne. Initially the church service was under pompous rule, making the Pope have control over something the spate did not. Hunger for fountain in the sixteenth speed of light was not limited to land control and courtly control it spread right up to the church service of England causing many problems for the monarchy and pontifical dresser.The argument during this time was whether or not the monarch had the right to rule church and state, or if the church was meant to be emission by Papal spot. The church building of England has a deep history going back to the Roman Empire. An onslaught in Britain in the fifth century by pagan Angles, Saxons and Jutes caused the church service to lose its organization. Mis sionary take a leak in the 6th Century by Pope Gregory the Great, led by St Augustine of Canterbury led to the blushtual combination of three forms of Christianity.The new Church of England amalgamated the Roman tradition of St Augustine, the old Romano-British church and the Celtic traditions from Scotland. As a result of this new formation the influence of the Church was wider spread and more organized. Traditions assimilated with the Western Christians such(prenominal) as liturgy, theology and church architecture. All of this to a fault meant that until the sixteenth century the Church of England was under Papal rule and was considered a branch of the Roman Catholic Church.The Protestant reformation began in 1517 when Martin Luther published his xc Five Theses. They contrary the Catholic Churches doctrines and stated that the teachings and sales of indulgences and the abuses of them showed corruption in the pietism. This was the jumping off appoint for many battalion que stioning the Catholic Church. In the sixteenth century the incline monarchy began to question the circumstance that their church was tranquil following the authority of the Pope. A main factor in this questioning came from female monarch henry V one-third.Henry wanted his marriage to Catherine annulled, and his marriage would normally be illegal under church rectitude because Catherine was the widow of his brother, alone it had been allowed by special consideration from the Pope. Henry claimed that the Papal consideration contradicted church jurisprudence and and then the marriage was not legal. The pope upheld his choice and refused to annul the marriage. The underlying cause was the fact that many believed that the authority of the church should belong to the English monarchy not the Pope.Henry broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and declared himself the head of the Church of England (1534), removing the church from the authority of the Pope. During this time Henry a lso forced the wastefulness of the Monasteries, this was viewed as suppressing the catholic faith. He also started statutes, such as, Statute in Restraint of Appeals, 1533, various executes of duration 1533-36, and the first Act of Supremacy in 1536. These acts all dealt with the family relationship between the King and the Pope and how the Church of England should be structured.Henrys belief in the independence of the Church was the dominant influence in making religious policy. Those who still worshipped Catholic rites during Henrys rule were quietly moved into secrecy. Henrys son Edward VI further reformed the church by dictateing that the Protestant Reformation was more like what the Bibles teachings meant than that of the Pope. Edward was very young when he was in power so most decisions were ultimately decided by a regency council who were mostly Protestant, so of course the decision was do to keep the church under monarch rule.Edward was the first King who had been rais ed Protestant point though he was wholly nine when he was crowned his council did allow him to make decisions. By the age of xi he had already written a treatise on the Pope as Antichrist and made educated notes on theological controversies. Edward wanted to keep the Church of England Protestant rather than Catholic so instead of allowing his fractional sister bloody shame to take the throne upon his death he left the crown to Lady Jane Grey. She was only on the throne for nine days before being imprisoned after the council changed sides declaring Mary world-beater.During the hulk of Mary Tudor (Henrys daughter) the Church returned to the Popes authority. Throughout her fathers and her half brothers reign Mary had remained loyal to the Roman Catholic faith, she had even asked for a nonpublic chapel to worship in since anyone else in the family worshiped under the Church of England. Marys change in the Church did not last long when in 1558 Elizabeth I became Queen, and made the Church of England essentially what it is to this day. She remote it from the Popes authority, but she kept the catholic creeds, the architecture and aspects of the catholic liturgy.While keeping aspects of the Catholic Church she also incorporated Protestant insights of theology and the ecumenical shape of its liturgical practices. In the seventeenth century the Church of England had another crisis tensions over theological and liturgical issues were part of the reasons that led to the English Civil War. From 1649-1660 the Church of Englands bishops were abolished and the Book of Common Prayer was banned. During this time the church was under Papal rule but when the monarchy was restored in 1660 these decisions were over turned and once again the Church was returned to monarch authority.In 1689 the Toleration Act was passed and Protestantism was lawfully accepted as long as they followed the doctrine of the Trinity. After this was passed the Church of England became the mothe r church of the Anglican Communion. One of the main arguments throughout the formation of the Church of England was whether or not the monarchy had the right to decide how the church should be go by, or if the church is meant to be run by the Pope. Most believed that since the Pope was not semi policy-makingly affiliated with anyone, it made him impartial and made his rule of the church more pure.He was the representative of God therefore he could settle doctrinal disputes and help spread Christianity without influence from political leaders. Pope Paul III formed the Council of Trent (1545-49) which made the Papacy have power over rulers who wanted to reconcile with Protestants and who were opposed to Papal claims. The monarchy was too powerful and eventually the Papal authority had to bring their focus to spiritual issues as opposed to trying to get secular power (It was not until 1929 that the Lateran Treaty was passed that guaranteed papal independence from secular rule).When t he English monarchy declared that the Pope was corrupt and Antichrist they pulled the Church of England out from under papal rule. The throne holds have intercourse political authority in its own state, but the argument of whether this authority crosses over to religion as wholesome was ongoing for many years. Henry VIII makes it easier for himself by having Parliament pass an act appointing him and his successors the head of the Church of England so that they could rule the church whatever way they please. This act caused more problems than solved because now every time the throne was changed the church was changed.The political side of the monarch caused more problems as well. By having political affiliations the monarchs chose rules of the church to follow that suited their political alliances. Affiliations with Scotland made them include Scottish traditions into the Church of England, but freehanded blood between the British and the Irish made them turn the church away from C atholicism even more. There are arguments that the fact that the Irish worshiped under Papal rule it made the tensions between Britain and Ireland worse.The relationship between France and England was even worse Henry VIII went to war with France three times during his reign. The national religion of France was Catholicism and during this time though there was a large Protestant following, they were greatly persecuted. This was a major(ip) contributing factor to these wars with France under Papal rule and the Protestants being persecuted the British monarchy was livid, giving them plenty of cause to declare war. During this time Henry declared France to be Britains number one enemy. When Elizabeth was in power the hostility towards Catholics was increased.While she was not as intense as Henry she did ban mass and other Catholic practices, and also made her Parliament swear an oath of supremacy nemesisening the charge of treason to anyone who refused. This threat made many Catholics run from England to avoid persecution. Many of these people were writers and went against Protestantism and implied that the Papal authority was superior, but also tried to not anger their Queen in their writings. This showed how the people were expressing their unhappiness in the choices made for them in religious aspects, but they still respected and honored their monarch.Elizabeths main fear was that the brash Catholics would guarantee to have her taken out of power. Elizabeths fear was so profound that in 1571 she passed The Treason Act which made it high treason to say that Elizabeth was not the true monarch. It also made it illegal to say that she was heretic, tyrant, infidel or usurper. This Act made catholics even angrier and made them criticize Elizabeth even more. These criticisms towards Elizabeth made her worries of being de-throned more relevant because now Catholic followers were trying to defend Mary Stuarts right to the English throne.They claimed that Elizabeth ca used tensions in foreign affairs because of her focus on religion. At the identical time all of these writings that criticize Elizabeths choices for religion, they still spoke kindly of her as a person and a Queen in other aspects. Most respected her as a Queen but condemned her choices towards the Church of England. During this time many Catholic writers from France also condemned Elizabeths choices showing that the tensions between Britain and France were still very much active in her reign as in Henrys.The monarchies strive for complete power in the sixteenth century did them more harm than good. Instead of gaining the trust and fellowship of their people, they caused war, tensions, and general unrest among most of their people. With debates between the Papal authorities, who at the time the people viewed as a show line to God, and the monarch caused distrust for the people against their leaders. With no right to their own choices in religion people that went against the crown were exiled, imprisoned, or worse, executed for their thoughts and beliefs.With most of Britain being raised Catholic during this time a explosive switch by Henry VIII because of his unhappiness seemed ungodly. The choice to remove the church from the Papal authority was viewed as blasphemous, and it made the people view their King in a different light. Most of Britain lost faith in their Crown during these Reformations because of unorganized systems, and a constant change between monarch authority and Papal rule. Tensions between Britain and neighboring Countries did not help the monarchs relationship with their people either, as much of the cause of these tensions was from the monarch persecuting Catholics.The goal of total power over the people, land and neighboring Countries by the monarch was not a success because there was no consistency in the way they chose to run their Parliament, church and state. The monarch may have believed that they had the right to run their church, but realistically the political affiliations and ad hominem wants caused more destruction than if they had allowed a more pure source to lead and make decisions for the church. Ultimately relationships in Western Europe could have drastically changed if the Church of England had remained under Papal authority.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

How Poverty and Poor Education Affects Life

Getting an education is considered a blessing as well some(prenominal), in America many of us believe that everybody should get equality when it comes d give birth to education, b arly is that real the case? I believe that education is something that many of us dramatize advantage of, especially when you be a kid and you think your education is free and you dread waking up early in the morning for school. Though, when you grow older we are glad that we have received an education and we can sum up to new technology, or we have the opportunity to create a top selling novel, learn near the history of the world, or effective knowing why the sky is blue. We all know, and if you dont you should, that many of the poorer regions in the world dont receive a prudish education, hardly could living in a poorer region of the United States of America affect your opportunity for education? I hold this to be true.Many of us believe that we can accomplish just well-nigh anything when we set are minds to it, but does this inletal quote fluctuate when you are poor? meagreness perpetuates privation and the reason for this is that poverty provides the f practiseors preventing proper education in America (Jayashanker, 2009). Public taxes are mostly funded by property taxes, so if the houses salute less, that means less funding for computers, good teachers, books, and anything else a school need in order to thrive. as well as people with mvirtuosoy can also obviously hire private tutors. When the No Child odd Behind act was passed in 2002 by George W. Bush, it awarded the schools that preformed better wherefore new(prenominal) school, by awarding them with a source of supplies and materials, while schools that performed unwell, were punished by less funding to the school. I believe that the NCLB act was non reasonable, because the schools that perform better are usually the schools that are in higher income areas, I believe this act was another reason why poorer p eople receive less education.Poverty also could have other negative affects on an individual much(prenominal) as absence of health care, the consumption of less nutritive food, the on going influence to join a gang, or desperate attempts to shuffle money such a robbing and selling drugs. At the same time I do realize that being wealthy could also have it negative affects such as a less strive to receive and education, because they whitethorn feel that they dont need to, because everything is already given to them on a silver platter, but I believe this to be true to the ones that were spoiled. Bad influences are all around in poverty areas, or the ghetto, these bad influences will usually convince the kidskinren in the ghetto region, to do things that severely disturb their education, which just adds to the current bicycle where the rich stay rich and the poor remain poor. I found a study on, the found statistics that convey children living in poverty are as that there 2 propagation as likely to repeat a grade, 3.4 times as likely to be expelled from school, being a dropout from the age of 16-24 were 3.5 times as likely, and the chance of them from graduating from a four twelvemonth college was cut in half. little education in children does not just affect them it affects the rest of the nation. Child poverty costs the U.S. nigh $500 meg a year, the equivalent of nearly 4 percent of the GDP (the total grocery store value of all the goods and services our country produces) (Baer, 2010). Poverty puts children at an unfair disadvantage for future opportunities (Defining Poverty and Why It Matters for Children, 2005). I believe that children who are living in poverty areas are lacking the inspiration because of there economic conditions, so I wanted to talk about the story of Oprah Winfrey whose story enliven me to go to college and get an education, and also to strive to become financially successful.Oprah Winfrey was born to a 13 year old mother, In Kosciusko, Mississippi. plot of ground growing up she said she learned how, to turn misery to perception. She first grew up with her grandmother on a pig farm with no running water. She then lived with her mother who moved to Milwaukee where she was sexually abused for the first time by a friend of her family and her own relative (Best Inpirational Stories, 2009). Oprah Winfrey, at the age of 14, gave birth to a baby boy, but unfortunately he died a week later. Her mother lost her patience with young Oprah, the result of this was the punishment of sending her to live with her dad.While living with her dad she learned discipline and learned how to use her great intelligence, from potential to kinetic use. At school she was know for her intelligent speaking and she received a scholarship at Tennessee University. She majored in go around communication and she scored a business as a reporter at a Nashville TV station. Oprah left school at the age of 19 years old to become the first African-American woman broadcaster in Nashville (Best Inpirational Stories, 2009). She made various amount of mistakes at her new job, she mat exhausted all the time. The Nashville station management team didnt like her attitude towards the camera too, on top of that, they didnt like her appearance. They complained about her hair style, her big nose and the exceed between her eyes. Tempted to glamourize her appearance, they sent her to a good salon in New York which did a inglorious remodeling that made her hair fall off (Best Inpirational Stories, 2009).She was ranked down from a TV boardcaster to a patron of the show called People Are Talking, which was elementaryally a talk show for housewives. After vii years of presenting the show People Are Talking, she gained the attention of a station in Chicago. They offered her to be the host of there show called A.M. Chicago, in basically a month she made the show A.M. Chicago to one of the most viewed shows in Chicago. In 1985 the A.M. Chicago Show was rename The Oprah Winfrey Show, and it began to be nationally broadcasted. Oprah said, Failure is the way God conveys to remind you that you are on the wrong track. contempt her troubled childhood the Oprah Winfrey show is one of most nationally viewed shows today. Oprah Winfrey is now estimated at an astonishing $2.4 billion dollars, according to Forbes Magazine.Oprahs story was inspirational to me, and I hope for many others, to succeed in life. I believe when growing up in a ghetto region there are many roadblocks on receiving a superb education and go to a good college, but this is not unsurmountable, nothing is considered impossible now-a-days, especially in America. It is relevant that as a country we need to break out of the cycle of poverty. Anne C. Lewis suggested that low levels of an individuals literacy will usually result in low paying jobs. Anne C. Lewis suggests four pure tones in leading individuals out of the cycle of p overty. For young children already in the system, educate their parents, especially the mothers, to the hilt. The educational level of mothers is the most important influence on the educational attainment of children (Lewis 186). Adults need to take advantage of educational programs that are sponsored by the schools.The second step is, for welfare mothers (most of them teenagers) who must now make it in the job world, combine educational and contextual training. This means direct education for meaningful job goals. Cognitive researcher Thomas Sticht, drawing on results from the military, business, and education, argues that young people can learn basic skills best when education is embedded in job preparation (Lewis 186). It has been proven that improved literacy skills can swot up their productivity levels in the workplace, while it can also increase your childs vocabulary. The third step is to implant the idea of going to college in the childs head as early as you can, according to a survey by Educational Longitudinal, students who have thrive to go to college in eighth grade were much more likely to graduate.The fourth and final way to break out of the ongoing cycle of poverty, according to Anne C. Lewis, is to start the development of literacy in the child as soon as they are born. Young parents from poor circumstances ought to leave the hospital as participants in support networks that will sponsor them develop the language abilities of their babies. That support should be consistent and continuous until the school system becomes a provide with parents (Lewis).So basically what Im trying to say is that poverty does have its severe impact on an individuals education, but even though it may be harder for a child from the ghetto regions of Los Angeles, California to receive an equal amount of education then a person living in Beverley Hills, California. Just remember that is nothing is impossible in American, and a college education is available to almost anyone This quote helped me with my education, and I wanted to end my conclusion with this quote, and it states, its not about stuffing peoples minds with knowledge. Its something inspirational and more. Its about instilling a love for learning. Its about educating kids from your heart. Its about teaching others and oneself to learn from mistakes. Its about encouraging one to have the courage to lead ones life, and about helping others to raise to a higher level of awareness. When you choose to educate with a heart full of love, what you can do will reach far beyond what you can ever imagine.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Dtlls †Enabling Learning and Assessment Essay

Coursework 1 broody Account of Peer Assessment Activity Within this charm of work I willing be reflecting on an discernment legal action utilise by a peer whilst I was observing their lesson for A-level psychology. The apprentices were all aged 17-19 and the lesson was on theories of depression and was a revision session for learners in advance their exams the following month. The sound judgement natural process was an intimate formative estimation where the students were placed into groups of two or three learners and were therefore pr atomic number 53 an severalize of the bailiwick matter, the learners consequentlyce had to create revision notes as a group on a piece of flipchart paper using their own notes and text books. The learners were wherefore given 15 minutes to revise these notes, one time this time was up the tutor wherefore asked the learners to all find a new partner and so t distributively their revised notes to their peer. The tutor peer would try to give all their key notes without looking at the flipchart, but some learners were allowed when they got stuck on certain points. The student peer would befuddle to take written notes to wait on with their revision.The learners would then barter in their pairs and the roles would be reversed, after both learners had deald their revision notes they would then swap again to find a new learner to pair with, this process continued until all learners had a full set of revision notes for the subject. Brown et al on the subject of judgement validity state It is often described as the match between what is intgoaled to be measured and what is measured. (Brown et al., 1997, p.239). I take this activity was very valid as it allowed the tutor to assess the notes the learners would be revising from for a summational exam in the future. The aims of this sagacity were rationalizeed in full detail and the learners understood what was expect of them from this activity.The point of t he activity was for peer learning to take place to aid revision in the subject of theories of depression this was unimp apieceably achieved by the end of the lesson as every learner had a full set of revision notes on all(prenominal) aspect of the subject confirming the validity of the assessment. The students were in charge of creating their own notes in distributively group and then passing these notes onto their peers, this does cause some reliability issues as with all learners some students whitethorn flip put more effort into their revision notes than others.Therefore you may get a learner who has put as oftentimes tuition into his or hers notes as possible giving a vast amount of get laidledge on a certain atomic number 18a of the subject and they may then suck in from a peer basic knowledge of another area of the subject. Reece and pushcart talk of reliability as the ability of a test to consistently measure what it is supposed to measure. (Reece and Walker, 2007, p.348), I believe this method of assessment does not consistently measure but the tutor did circulate the classroom at all clock aiding learners if they were finding it hard to put key points down on paper. This method does however aid specialisation as less fitting learners were given the chance to gain knowledge of the subject from more able learners. The more able learners to a fault had the chance to practice and develop their subject knowledge aiding revision in the class. Word Count 520ReferencesBrown, G., Bull, J. and Pendlebury, M. (1997) Assessing Students Learning in Higher Education. Oxon, p.239. Reece, I. and Walker, S. (2007) statement, Training and Learning A serviceable Guide. sixth ed. Sunderland Business Education Publishers Ltd, p.321.Coursework 2 Assessment Information within own Organisation Assessment information within my own organisation is recorded from the beginning of a learner joining the college. Every probable student as part of the interview stag e takes part in a minimum core out assessment this is a basic screening test to assess the students literacy and numeracy skills. This initial assessment allows us to correctly place the learner on the right level of wrinkle. These results are placed in the college database, following the enrolment of each learner the minimum core results form a group specialisation profile for each class put together by the course leader. This profile is used by the tutor so they puke differentiate learning tasks and understand individualist learners selects from the very beginning.Once the course commences formative assessments are created by the tutor and used in each lesson. Each learner receives feedback from these assessments and if demand, targets stop be set so the learner is clear on what is expected of them. Validity and reliability of assessments used during a course are checked at regular normalisation meetings within curriculum teams, these take place to sample marking of for mative and summative theory assessments. Allowing tutors to internally verify samples of learners work so all tutorsin the department are consistent in their marking. Reece and Walker explain validity as how well the test measures what it is supposed to measure (Reece and Walker, 2007, p.321). Within these meetings the team will also evaluate and create formative and summative assessments for future use a chance to share good practice. The meetings are also used to discuss operative assessments as different tutors kitty have differing views on assessment criteria this aids the reliability of the assessments. Summative assessments are entered on a standardizedised introduce document which every tutor in the department can access.Updating this tracking document then enables each tutor or the head of department to see the progress of every learner lot to identify whatsoever at risk students who may indigence more attention or end up not completing the course. This document is sh ared with the learners they can see what still needs to be achieved to gain their capability and how far they have come in terms of progression, this aids motivation in the classroom and also a sense of achievement to see how much they have already completed. The learners have logbooks provided by the allocate body VTCT, this is where tutors record all pragmatical summative assessment and sign saturnine to say they have met the criteria set by VTCT. The logbook is used by the learner to build a portfolio of consultations forms and photographs from workings, written assignments and any online tests the learner has to complete during the course.The college also uses Pro-Monitor a computerised package which tutors can record individual learner progress and set targets for learners to achieve by a certain time. Learners can access Pro-Monitor and insert individual targets they wish to achieve, it can also designate them graphs and visual aids on how much of their qualification th ey have achieved, this is brilliant for more visual learners who may find written feedback harder to understand. These different ways of written text assessment information are vital in enable tutors to identify when students are falling fanny and planning for future development, a side effect of not using these implements could be learners nearing the end of their course without completing assessments that are mandatory.ReferencesReece, I. and Walker, S. (2007) Teaching, Training and Learning- a PracticalGuide. 6th ed. Sunderland Business Edition Publishers, p.321.Coursework 3 valuation of Assessment ActivitiesAssessment is defined by Gravells and Simpson as a measure of learning, at a given point in time. Relevant skills, knowledge and/or attitudes can be measured towards a subject or qualification. (Gravells and Simpson, 2008). There are three main types of assessment initial, formative and summative these types of assessment can then be informal in the way of crossword puzz les, gapped hand-outs, quizzes, discussions and journals or they can be formal in the way of exams, assignments, tests and observations. Formative assessment, used properly, is such an integral part of the teaching and learning process that it could be argued that it shouldnt even be called assessment. When we consider teaching and learning methods, many of them questioning, case studies, and projects are also assessment methods used as learning checks. Scales states Assessment for learning is based on the belief that everyone can learn and formative assessment is a key strategy to suffice learners improve and develop (Scales, 2010) With this in mind the first assessment activity to be evaluated is a crossword used as an informal summative assessment.Crosswords are a simple and easy way of assessing learners knowledge during a social unit. Crosswords can be uploaded to the college interactive website cloud, learners can then download the activity as a form of homework or as an e xtension task during directed studies. These can then be handed in to the tutor for marking. A more effective method is to use a crossword as learning check during a lesson once the learners have completed the crossword they can then discuss as a group the answers. The tutor can also use extended questioning, enquire more able learners to explain in more depth an answer to help aid differentiation. Feedback from learners suggests that crosswords are a challenging way of testing knowledge and encourages the learners to look at subject matter in different ways without having to sit tests all the time, which can be very daunting for certain learners.Something gained from feedback from a group of level 1s, is that because a majority of the learners have learning needs which affects their literacy they find the crossword in itself challenging to complete. To overcome this it has been noted that providing learners with a word bank of key words for each unit has helped in completing such tasks ascrosswords, as the learner still needs to know which word they are looking for but aids in developing their spelling for the future. Feedback is the most cardinal part of formative assessment research suggests that immediate oral feedback is the most effective, whether this is through by one on ones or as a group discussion. The feedback provided should be developmental and make the learners extend their cerebration and learning to a high level and should also focus on positive points first before moving onto more developmental areas for the learner to consider.By conducting formative assessment it can ensure that the teacher gains a full understanding of the learners existing capabilities so that realistic goals can then be set and additional support if needed can be organised. With this feedback individual targets can then be created for each learner and placed on the college Pro-Monitor system where the learners can access their targets as and when needed to see how th ey are developing in the course. Learners are also encouraged to create their own personalized targets on Pro-Monitor, using feedback from formative assessments it allows learners to realise key strengths and weaknesses to help in creating these targets. The use of this feedback is very much like the idea of scaffolding, Bruner (Wood et al., 1976) coined this term in the 1950s and believed using a more intentional other to challenge the learner to achieve more by providing scaffolding to help them climb to higher levels.Learners in dialogue with teachers can see where they want to reach but initially may need help in the form of questions, prompts and pointers to get there. Summative assessment is the assessment of learning and it leads to the gaining of qualifications and grades. Weeden suggests Summative assessment is a snapshot judgement that records what a learner can do at a limited time. (Weeden et al., 2002, p.19) This process of qualification is important for learners and it is good to keep in mind the emotional aspects and design of assessment in relation to validity and reliability. With this in mind the second assessment activity to be evaluated is a possible observation used as a formal summative assessment. Practical observations are used throughout all 3 NVQ levels in mantrap therapy as the subject is extremely vocationally based. knockout therapy NVQs are broken down into units, for each unit there will be practical assessments that have to be completed at the end of the unit, where the learner is observed and assessed by the teacher.VTCT arethe awarding body for the beauty therapy NVQs and they set out the practical assessment criteria for each unit, this criteria is printed in the learners logbooks which is where each assessment is signed off if a pass has been achieved. To aid the reliability of the practical assessments all beauty lecturers at the college come together at standardisation meetings where the criteria is discussed in detai l and a learner marking sheet is created which includes each of the areas the learner has to meet to gain a pass in the assessment. If this was not done each teacher could interpret the assessment criteria in different ways therefore learners would not be assessed fairly and reliably. Petty states the same examiner should give the same mark if they unknowingly mark a script twice on different days (Petty, 2009), using standardisation this means that even with practical based assessments the results should always be the same.To help learners during practical assessments learning outcomes are written on the whiteboard to high spot key points they will need to show competency in or do to achieve a pass in the assessment. During the observation the teacher will also ask questions to the learners to help achieve the unit criteria, this is also where differentiation of the learners can take place as more able learners will be asked more open-ended and higher order questions then less abl e learners who will be asked standard criteria questions. The use of cameras in practical assessments is something that is still fairly new and is being experimented with but does seem to show some success. As part of the observation learners have to keep their working area clean and trim and show due regard for health and safety, the teacher can now take pictures of each learners working area before the assessment takes place and then at the commencement of the assessment.With regards to practical assessments like bang up art, make-up and face painting the finished article can also be documented by a photo that the learner can then be used in their own portfolio to be sent to the awarding body. From these pictures the teacher can then feedback to the learner at the end of the assessment any positive points of the practical and also any areas that the learner would need to further develop, the learner can then have these pictures as a visual aid to understand how they can improve for the next assessment and also works as a good revision aid for the future. Another approach to tit ICT in assessments is to video learners assessments so they can themselves evaluateand feedback on client care and professionalism during their observation.It has been noted that using cameras in practical observations has been received well by the learners, they have commented that it brings a new dimension to receiving feedback and allows them to run into areas they need to focus on improving and reinforces the assessment criteria for them too. Feedback from practical observation is given individually forthwith after the learners assessment, feedback is given verbally with key points both positive and ones for development are written on the bottom of the consultation form the learner completed during the assessment (these consultation forms also go into the learners portfolio). Practical assessments can leave a lot to interpretation by the teacher so it is important the practic al marking sheet is filled in during the observations and a pass or fail is determined by how many of the boxes the learner showed competence in, depending on which level the learner is currently studying determines the number of criteria they need to meet.Learners can feel very nervous and daunted by practical assessments at the beginning of the twelvemonth as it the proverbial unknown, formative practical assessments do help to calm learners worries as they are a trial run of the summative assessment, also setting out some time to explain and discuss the unit assessment criteria and what will be expected of them from this. During the practical observations themselves the use of cameras also seems to help learners forget the formalness of the observation and relax into the assessment.In conclusion all assessment methods should be a positive contribution to learning and good assessment activities are important to aiding teaching. However assessments are solo worthwhile if they assi st the learner and teacher to move through the learning outcomes of the unit, otherwise it is irrelevant. Designing assessment activities which stretch the learners abilities and promotes their development is a skill that comes with experience and understanding of the current learners on your course and it is definitely something that will always be tweaked and changed throughout your career. Word Count 1,594ReferencesGravells, A. and Simpson, S. (2008) Planning and enabling Learning in the Lifelonf Learning Sector. Exeter Learning matters, p.50. Petty, G. (2009)Teaching Today A practical guide. 4th ed. Cheltenham Nelson Thornes. Scales, P. (2010) Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Berkshire McGraw-Hill Education, p.180. Weeden, P., Winter, J. and Broadfoot, P. (2002) Assessment Whats in it for schools?. London Routledge Falmer, p.19. Wood, D., Bruner, J. and Ross, G. (1976) The role of tutoring in trouble solving. In Journal of child psychology and psychiatry., pp.89-100.